Those present at Wednesday’s Calciopoli peace talks have admitted that nothing has changed a...

Calciopoli talks end with no peace

Those present at Wednesday’s Calciopoli peace talks have admitted that nothing has changed after a four-hour meeting.
A summit was held today at the headquarters of CONI – the Italian Olympic Committee – in an effort to bring an end to the controversy which has shadowed the Italian game since the sentences of 2006.
CONI chief Gianni Petrucci called for the get-together after Juventus started legal proceedings for damages after their demotion to Serie B five years ago. They were also stripped of two Scudetti.
Amongst those at today’s ‘peace table’ were Juventus President Andrea Agnelli and Inter counterpart Massimo Moratti.
Milan Vice-President Adriano Galliani, Fiorentina patron Diego Della Valle, Napoli chief Aurelio De Laurentiis and Italian Football Federation President Giancarlo Abete were also present.
“It was a long, friendly and correct meeting,” Petrucci noted. “But I mustbe honest and sincere, the subject of Calciopoli is still very hot so nobody changed their stance on the matter.
“There was a lot of good intentions, but no results have been obtained. I’ll certainly think very carefuly before planning another meeting.”
He added: “I’m disappointed, but we gave it everything and we’ll sleep without problems tonight. There was no result, but no defeat either.”
FIGC President Abete and Viola chief Della Valle also confirmed that nobody took a backwards step.
“There was no change in position,” Abete stated. “Despite all of the effort, it’s hard to heal a deep wound.”
Della Valle commented: “It was a civil meeting, but nobody altered their view.”
Inter’s Moratti, whose side were handed Juve’s 2006 title, refused to go into detail about what was discussed.
“All meetings can be constructive and everything can be useful,” he stated.
Agnelli, meanwhile, didn’t leave a comment after admitting that he would talk to the media at a later stage about today’s events..
By Football Italia

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